Logicbus/Productos/USB DAQ/Parallel/USB-DIO96H / 50

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USB-DIO96H /50
No recomendado para nuevos proyectos, considerar el modelo con terminales a tornillo: USB-DIO96H
El USB-DIO9H/50 proporciona 96 bits de corriente alta, nivel lógico de entrada y salida digitales. El USB-DIO96H tiene toda la funcionalidad del USB-DIO96H, pero más que una terminal de tornillos, ofrece un conector de 50-pernos que iguala el conector del PCI-DIO96H, haciéndole más fácil sustituir las tarjetas PCI en sus aplicaciones. El USB-DIO96H/50 es un USB completamente plug and play y fácil de utilizar. Obtiene toda la energía requerida del puerto USB, así que no se requiere ninguna fuente de energía externa.
Su fácil uso, bajo costo, y los conectores, hacen al USB-DIO96H/50 ideal para los usos que requieren el nivel lógico confiable de entrada y salida digitales.
  • 96 bits digitales de entrada y salida
  • Salidas de corriente alta (24mA fuente, 64mA sink)
  • Conectores de 50 pernos
Technical specifications
Digital type Input: 74ACT373 USB-DIO96H hardware revision G and later: 74LCX24
Output: 74FCT244
Number of I/O 96
Configuration Eight banks of 8, eight banks of 4, programmable by bankas input or output
Pull-up/down configuration High impedance pull-up/down selectable with DIP switch foreach digital input port.
Input high 2.0 V min, 5.5 V absolute max
Input low 0.8 V max, -0.5 V absolute
Output high 2.0 V min @ –24 mA
Output low 0.5 V max @ 64 mA
Input impedance 47 k? (series resistance)
Source current 24 mA per output max
Power-up state Input mode
Sink current 64 mA per output max
Debounce mode samples all inputs eight times over a specified interval, and latches out the input state when eight consecutive samples are identical (all 0 or all 1). Debouncing intervals: 1 ms, 2 ms, 5 ms, 10 ms, 20 ms, 50 ms, 100 ms, 200 ms, and 400 ms.
Debounce interval accuracy +0% / –12.5%
Digital I/O transfer rates (software paced) System dependent, 33 to 250 port reads/writes or singlebit reads/writes per second type
Counter/timer read/write rates (software paced) USB-DIO96H only
Counter read: system dependent, 33 to 250 reads per second
Counter clear: system-dependent, 33 to 250 writes per second
USB +5V Supply current < 100 mA
USB +5V input voltage range 4.75 V min to 5.25 V max
External power supply 5 VDC, 15 W, 5% regulation
Alternate external power supply Jumper selectable Molex® connector internal to case
Voltage supervisor limits 4.13 V > Vext or Vext > 5.59 V: PWR LED = Off; (power fault)
4.13 V < Vext < 5.59 V: PWR LED = On
User 5 V output voltage rang 4.0 V min, 5.25 V max
VUser 5 V output current available 50 mA max
Power supply current: 2.7 A max
Operating temperature range 0 °C to 60 °C
Storage temperature range –40 °C to 85 °C
Humidity 0% to 90% non-condensing
Dimensions (L x W x H) 304.8 × 121.9 × 20.0 mm (12.0 × 4.8 × 0.8 in.)
Enclosure dimensions (L x W x H) 342.9 × 125.7 × 58.9 mm (13.50 × 4.95 × 2.32 in.)
USB cable type A-B cable, UL type AWM 2725 or equivalent. Min 24 AWG VBUS/GND, min 28 AWG D+/D–

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